Cancer Screenings
To facilitate the mammography screening process, Offutt Air Force Base has a self-referral process for women needing a screening exam without any history of breast disease. Females over the age of 50, with no breast concerns and a primary care manager at the 55th Medical Group, can self-refer for annual screening mammograms.
To self-refer:
- Call 402-294-7405 or stop by the Radiology front desk to answer a short questionnaire to see if you qualify.
- Prior copies of mammograms from other facilities are needed before an appointment can be scheduled. The process for obtaining prior mammograms from other facilities can take up to 30 days. Stop by radiology and fill out a request for your prior mammograms.
- All patients with an off-base PCM requires prescription to complete.
- Females and males any age with a breast concern should first see their PCM for an evaluation.
- TRICARE covers clinical preventive services for dependents and retirees (no referral or authorization needed for a TRICARE network provider when seeking appointments for clinical preventive services).
Cervical Cancer Screening Information
To facilitate the cervical cancer screening process, an appointment can be made with a PCM or with the Women’s Health Clinic. To schedule an appointment:
TRICARE covers clinical preventive services for dependents and retirees (no referral or authorization needed for a TRICARE network provider when seeking appointments for clinical preventive services).
Colorectal Cancer Screening Information
Make an appointment with your PCM today to discuss your screening options for colorectal cancer. To schedule an appointment:
TRICARE covers clinical preventive services for dependents and retirees (no referral or authorization needed for a TRICARE network provider when seeking appointments for clinical preventive services).