There are emergency procedures in place in multiple states due to extreme weather. >>Learn More

Live in the West Region? There is now a referral approval waiver in place through April 30, 2025. Learn More. Also, you have until April 30 to set up your payment info if you pay by EFT, credit card, or debit card. This is for TRICARE Prime, TRICARE Select, TYA, TRS, and TRR plans. If you miss this deadline, you will be disenrolled back to Jan. 1. Visit today.

Health Services

Separation and Retirement Physical

Who needs a SHPE?

  • Service members on active duty for 180 days or more of continuous service
  • Reserve Component members on AD orders for 180 days or more of continuous service
  • RC on AD orders for 31 days or more in support of a contingency operation

SHPE Timeline

Greater than 180 days before separation/retirement:

  • Request a copy of your medical records.
  • Complete DD Form 2870 and fax to 402-294-8490.
  • Filing a VA claim: Begin preparing for the claim process. Contact local VA rep.
  • Not filing a VA claim: No action needed at this time.

180-90 days before separation/retirement:

 Filing a VA claim:  Not filing a VA claim:

Less than 90 days prior to separation/retirement:

  • SHPE will need to be completed at MTF.
  • Go to: to initiate SHPE process.
  • A VA claim can still be processed; however, any VA exams conducted cannot take the place of the SHPE. These exams may not be completed prior to separation, delaying your access to benefits.

Steps to completing your SHPE at the MTF:

  1. Complete DD Form 2807-1: Report of Medical History through your MyIMR.
  2. Complete audiogram (if indicated on the My IMR dashboard).
  3. Complete any other Individual Medical Readiness requirements not currently green.
  4. Schedule/complete Occupational Health exams, as applicable (AD only).
  5. Complete SHPE appointments (physical exam scheduled by SHPE nurse).
  6. BOMC signs Separation Memo and Virtual Out-Processing.

Steps to completing your SHPE at the VA:

  1. Complete DD Form 2807-1: Report of Medical History through your MyIMR.
  2. Schedule/complete appointment with VA representative. Must bring copy of medical record to appointment.
  3. Complete IMR requirements if not currently green.
  4. Schedule/complete Occupational Health exams, as applicable (AD only)
  5. Complete SHPE appointments with VA provider (scheduled by VA representative).
  6. VA Separation Health Assessment documentation returned to BOMC by VA.
  7. BOMC signs Separation Memo and vOP.

Important facts to remember:

  • A SHPE is mandatory for all service members who meet eligibility criteria, and terminal leave can be affected if not accomplished.
  • The DD Form 2807-1 (Report of Medical History) is ONLY in reference to service related diagnosis and/or conditions.
  • National Guard and Reserve SMs should answer ‘yes’ on the DD Form 2807-1 only for conditions incurred or aggravated during current period of AD orders; not your entire military service.
  • A termination audiogram only needs to be performed if you have not had one within 6 months of your date of separation (except ARC members).
  • If you are planning to file a claim with the VA, it cannot be submitted more than 180 days before your date of separation.
  • Your local VA representative contact information can be found on the back of this brochure.
  • It is your responsibility to maintain communication with the BOMC office.
  • If Separating/Retiring because of a Medical Evaluation Board, the Disability Evaluation System examination meets the SHPE requirement.
InTransition is a free, voluntary program that provides mental health care support to SMs during times of transition. For more information go to:

Contact Us




Ehrling Bergquist Clinic
First Floor

VA Representative


402-232-8136 or 402-232-7363


106 Peacekeeper Drive
Building 232C, Room 235

Don’t forget to keep your family’s information up to date in DEERS!